Aldo B. Martin Presents: The Reclamation

"It Wasn't Well Received"

Aldo B. Martin Season 3 Episode 19

*Trigger Warning*  Some of the content of this episode might be disturbing to some listeners.  Listener descretion is advised

Carter tells us more about his experience with the church.  Carter explains, in graphic detail, some of the things that he was taught.  It should be noted that what Carter was taught, was not common practices through out the ICOC.  However, the liberty that those who lead him took in creating such graphic teachings, may speak to the nature of the organization as a whole.  In other words, if the teachings ensured that Carter would remain a faithful member, then, his leaders might argue that the ends justifies the means.  Carter’s story, like all of the other stories, is the story of an individual and it may or may not resonate with the experiences of others.  Carter states that he does not think that he has recovered from his experience with the organization.  He tells us more about his experience with the teen ministry.   He also talks about having complex PTSD.   

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Other Podcasts by Aldo B. Martin:
Finding James Baldwin: The Magpie Years
Jammin' on the One
The Fatherhood Project
YALD. The Podcast
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To get in touch with Aldo, you can find him on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook